Zero to CF in
30 Seconds

Akshay Mankar, Steffen Uhlig

Who we are

  • Steffen Uhlig
    • IBM
    • #eirini, #ruby, previously #bits-service
  • Akshay Mankar
    • Pivotal
    • #eirini, #haskell, previously #cfcr

30 Seconds to CF?

  • We cheated a bit
  • 30 seconds is for typing set-pipeline
  • It’s more like 15 minutes

Sorry 🤠

This is for you if:

You are …

  • test-driving CF (different versions maybe?)
  • building on top of CF (e.g. a tool)
  • developing a CF component

Big Idea

minikube : kube :: this : CF



Dev speed

  • Quickly spin up a dev environment
  • Fast onboarding of new team members
  • Less fear
    => broke it? N.P.!

It’s lightweight

  • Keep your laptop clean
    • no need to run CF locally
    • your version / patch level on someone else’s hardware
  • Cookie-cutter approach
    • Test environments by the dozen
    • Pets vs. cattle


  • Yields repeatable dev environments
  • Ship the config, not the cluster
    • Vagrant philosophy

How does it work?

  • SCF + fissile
  • Eirini
  • Kubernetes
  • Helm
  • Concourse

It’s a pipeline!

Deploy CF

Test thy cluster

No need to see the YAML



  • the only manual step
  • takes the name of “the world”

It’s ready!

Secret Sauce

How to …

I need another CF

  • Before:
    1. Install VirtualBox
    2. Install bosh (lite)
    3. Deploy
    4. Wait
    5. goto 4
  • Now:
    • set-pipeline hello-world

I broke my dev env

  • Before:
    • Debug
    • Troubleshoot
    • Give up
    • Find the docs how to re-create


  • Notification?
  • Print details at the end of set-pipeline?
  • Your ideas?

Similar Projects

Score Card

Did we achieve our goals? …

  1. Getting a new env is very straighforward: ✅
  2. Repeatability: ✅
  3. Speed == 30s: ❌
  4. Speed <= 30mins: ✅




Eirini Sessions

Wednesday, April 3 Thursday, April 4
Project Office Hours: Eirini
Julian Friedman and the Eirineers 🎶
3:35pm - 4:05pm
“Kube” your Enthusiasm: Bringing CF and K8s Together with Project Eirini
Julz Friedman & Mario Nitchev
11:05am - 11:35am
Cloud Foundry 101 for Kubernetes Users
Steffen Uhlig & Oleksandr Slynko
5:15pm - 5:45pm
Diego vs Eirini: How to Choose the Best Fitting Container Scheduler
Julian Skupnjak & Georgi Dankov
2:00pm - 2:30pm
“Microservices With Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes”
Julian Skupnjuak & Georgi Dankov
5:15pm - 5:45pm
Zero to CF in Kube-Cluster in 30 Seconds with Concourse, Helm, Fissile and Eirini
Steffen Uhlig & Akshay Mankar
3:40pm - 4:10pm


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built on 2023-11-11 16:23:00 UTC